Philadelphia and New York
City on Independence day weekend 2006 |
7月1日 フィラデルフィア---アメリカ最初の首都 July 1st. Philadelphia--- America's First Capital |
国立歴史公園 Independence National Historical Park |
リバティベル Liberty bell |
独立記念館 Independence Hall |
ネイティブアメリカンのお姉さんと Independence visitor center with a Native American lady |
ジュニアレンジャープログラム Junior Ranger Program |
合衆国第二銀行 Second bank of United States |
ジュニアレンジャーバッジをもらいました。 Kaike got the Junior Ranger badge |
ジュニアレンジャーバッジを 以下の2箇所でもらっています。 Kaike had arleady gotten Junior Ranger badge at Denali National Park and Dry Turtagus National Park. |
フィラデルフィア美術館 Philadelphia Museum of Art |
Portrait of Mademoiselle Legrand by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
The Grand Boulevards by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
? |
Two Girls by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
Still Life with Flowers and Fruitby Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
The Great Bathers by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
Family Group Reading by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Maternal Caress by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Woman with a Guitar (most left) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
Sunflowers by Vincent Willeum van Gogh |
The Large Bathers Paul Cezanne |
Philadelphia Museum of Art |
Aline Charigot (Madame Renoir) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
In the Lodge(left) Sailor Boy: Portrait of Gardner Cassatt as a Child (right) by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Mother and Child (Maternal Kiss) by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
by Jean-Francois Millet |
The Mante Family by Edgar Degas |
Drawing Room from Landsdowne House |
A woman and a girl driving by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Japanese Temple |
Portrait of Alfred Berard with His Dogby Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
Mary Cassatt at the Louvre by Edgar Degas |
7月1日 夜 ジャージーシティーのホテルにて
July 1st. night at Hotel in Jersey City |
Bed room |
Living Room |
Kitchen and Writing Desk |
ジャージーシティーの |
7月2日ニューヨークシティー July 2nd. New York City |
市庁舎 New York City Hall |
かいけが楽しみにしていたのが |
アメリカンガールのお店 American girl Place |
夢見てるみたい She feels like dreaming |
お買い物すんで・・・ after shopping... |
Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuniga by Francisco Goya |
Self-portrait by Rembrandt |
Young Woman with a Water Jug by Johannes Vermeer |
Portrait of a Young Woman by Johannes Vermeer |
Woman with a Lute by Johannes Vermeer |
Venus and Adonis (left) The Holy Family with Saints Francis and Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist (right) by Peter Paul Rubens |
Gray Weather, Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat |
Circus Sideshow by Georges Seurat |
The Forest at Pontaubert by Georges Seurat |
Study for "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" by Georges Seurat |
Portrait of Madame Georges Charpentier and Her Children, Georgette and Paul by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
By the Seashore by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
Young Girl with Daisies by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
the daughters of catulle mendesby Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
Dancers Practicing at the Bar by Edgar Degas |
The Dance Class by Edgar Degas |
by Edgar Degas |
by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
Young Girls at the Piano by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
Mom's favorite artist Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Young Mother Sewing by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Baby Getting Up from His Nap by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Lady at the Tea Table by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Mother and Child with a Rose Scarf by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Mother and Child (The Oval Mirror) by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
Spring: Margot Standing in a Garden (Fillette dans un jardin) by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
by Mary Stevenson Cassatt |
三内丸山遺跡出土品 These are from Sannai-Maruyama in Aomori, Japan |
日本コーナーでくつろぐ Relaxing at the Japanese Corner |
The Astor Court |
The Milliner by Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
The Rehearsal of the Ballet Onstage by Edgar Degas |
Self-portrait with a Straw Hat by Vincent Van Gogh |
by Pablo Picasso |
The Lighthouse at Two Lights by Edward Hopper |
by Edward Hopper |
後方の女性に注目 See the lady behaind them |
セントラルパーク Central Park |
ペンシルバニア駅 Pennsylvania Station |
マジソンスクエアガーデンから エンパイステートビルディングを望む The Empire State Building from Madison Square Garden |
Photo by Kaike |
日本食レストランで 夕飯を食べました。 寿司と 日本人ウェイターさんの 日本風サービスを 堪能しました。 We had dinner at Japanese Restaurant in Jersey City. We enjoyed Sushi and the Japanese waiter's Japanese style service. |
おそろいのパジャマにて Kaike and her American girl Kit in matching PJs |
7月3日 ニューヨークシティー July 3rd. New York City |
フェリー乗り場 Ferry port |
船からエリス島を望む overlooking Ellis island from the ferry |
エリス島移民博物館 Ellis Island immigration museum |
フェリーからの自由の女神 Statue of Liberty from the ferry |
松明 Toach |
お顔 Face |
おみ足 Foot |
内部構造 inside structure |
台座より From the pedestal |
ジュニアレンジャープログラム Junior Ranger Program |
国立公園について学ぶ Studying about National Parks |
誓約 Swearing an oath |
エリスアイランド Liberty Island and Ellis Island |
ジュニアレンジャーバッジ獲得 got the Junior Ranger Badge |
ブロードウェイミュージカル 「美女と野獣」 Broadway's Classic musical "Bearuty and the Beast" |
カーテンコール curtain call |
劇場 the theater |
Broadway Musical |
Broadway |
7月4日 独立記念日; ニューヨークシティー --->オハイオへ帰宅 |
Pathはニュージャージーと ニューヨークを結ぶ鉄道 Path New Jersey and New York rapid transit system |
ニューヨーク地下鉄の車内 Inside New York Metro |
グッゲンハイム美術館 Guggenheim Museum |
ハドソン川のニュージャージー川から From New Jersey side of Hudson River |
日系スーパーMitsuwa 寿司弁当を購入 at Japanese Market Mitsuwa got Sushi Lunch Boxes |
高速のサービスエリアにて夕食 Supper at Service Area on a freeway |
オハイオにお帰りなさい Welcome back to Ohio |
裏庭ではイチゴが出迎えてくれました。 in the backyard a pretty strawberry welcomed us back |